Building an online knowledge business and growing a tribe of amazing, loyal customers is a wonderful thing and a GREAT way to grow your business.

The trouble is, becoming a 'Tribe Leader' feels, well, wrong, right? It's kind of show-offy and icky and not what people like us do. I get it.

Except that's not true. It's mind monkey talk. The chances are you are ALREADY a tribe leader, maybe just on a very small scale.

But imagine if you could turn this into a thing. A thing where you naturally become a tribe leader with none of the icky associations and all of the tribe love; a thing where you attract amazing customers and become a leader, a guide, a pathfinder and living proof that what you teach is possible.

The brilliant news is, you can!

I know because I'm the most unlikely tribe leader ever and I've done it, twice! 

And now I'm going to teach you what I know.


I'm an introvert. I'm Northern, with a funny accent. I'm a tired, 50-year old mum who home-schooled for 3 years and just as my 12-year old daughter went back to school, the pandemic hit. I have frizzy hair and I talk too fast and giggle at my own jokes, on video. I'm quite an unlikely tribe leader but I am one, in two different businesses.

What does that mean?

It means I'm living proof that what I teach is possible. It means I have a big list of email subscribers who signed up to my newsletter to learn about marketing. It means I share lots of useful tips, advice and inspiration on my social media. It means people ask me to speak at their events and lead their workshops (but because I'm an introvert, I say no but thank you for asking, that is very lovely of you). Ultimately, it means people buy my training and planner because they have heard of me and know I know my stuff.

And now I'm going to teach you how to do YOUR version of Tribe Leader. Let me explain.

What is Six Figure Tribe Leader?

It's a step-by-step online class that walks you through exactly what you need to do, and why, to step up and go from a person who makes courses to a guide, teacher and living proof that what you teach is possible. That is wildly inspiring to your soon-to-be tribe.

You will learn:

  • What a tribe leader is and whether you need to be one
  • How to get past the obstacle course of blocks, fears and worries the mind monkeys have put in place to stop you doing this
  • How to create your golden thread of C.E.O that runs through your business, turning you into a Tribe Leader as it does
  • How to create your painless (and actually quite fun) 4P Tribe Leader Transition Plan
  • Ready to go for it?

It's ready and waiting for you now in my Six Figure Portal and you can watch it on your phone, tablet or computer. It's just under 1.5 hours and you have lifetime access, so you can watch it back as many times as you want.

Claire Circle

Why Listen to Me?

Hello, I'm Claire Mitchell and I've been in marketing a LONG time, which is great news for you!

Since 2012, through The Girls Mean Business® I've helped thousands of women master marketing, get more sales, make more money and become more confident in business. Since 2013 I have made six figures every year and my businesses keep on growing - even better, I love teaching YOU how to do it, too. That's why my second six-figure business, the Six Figure Business Coach was born. Time for you to realise your potential and make the money you deserve.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will It Work For My Business?

YES! This Tribe Leader training is not industry specific, it's all about YOU and helping you grow into your amazing new role.

How Long Do I Have to Watch It?

You will have lifetime access but it can't work unless you watch it, so why not make time this week?

Can I Do This If I'm An Introvert?

Yes. I know, because I am one. I'm a Tribe Leader who doesn't do speaking gigs or have strategic partners. I've built my tribe online, using what I know and now I'm going to teach you how to do it.

Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our products and their potential. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, don’t apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any business endeavour, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money.